
Review of “Hearts Before Diamonds” by Bryan Fields

A rollicking tale of adventure and love set in an alternate steampunk Asia, "Hearts Before Diamonds" is a short story revolving around Edward Wallace, an American expat in India who works as a 'problem solver' for a fee. When Timir, a new…

The Jinn Part I: Aisa Qandisa

The Jinn of Middle East and North Africa legend bear little relationship to the Western caricature of a bare-chested figure arising from an oil lamp to grant wishes.  Created before the race of man from smokeless fire, the Jinn, like humans,…

The Mountains of Qaf: A Travel Guide

Described variously as a single Mount Qaf that serves as the progenitor of all mountains, or as a ring of soaring mountains that encircle the world, the mountains of Qaf, or Jabal al Qaf in Arabic, are often described as the home of the Jinn. The…